Total notifications: 35 of which 33 single ip and 2 mass defacements

H - Homepage defacement
M - Mass defacement (click to view all defacements of this IP)
R - Redefacement (click to view all defacements of this site)
L - IP address location
- Special defacement (special defacements are important websites)

Date Notifier H M R L Domain OS View
2010/08/10 synyster-hacker H articles1st.com Linux mirror
2010/08/10 synyster-hacker H articlewriter.info Linux mirror
2010/08/10 synyster-hacker H xarticles.org Linux mirror
2010/08/09 synyster-hacker H bunzola.com Linux mirror
2010/08/04 synyster-hacker H expert.essentialz.biz MacOSX mirror
2010/08/04 synyster-hacker H www2.selfhelpfortoday.com Linux mirror
2010/08/02 synyster-hacker H www.localbusinessireland.com Linux mirror
2010/07/13 synyster-hacker www.fondazionegiovannipaolo.or... Linux mirror
2010/07/10 synyster-hacker H www.articolitalia.com Linux mirror
2010/07/10 synyster-hacker H biglerarticler.net Unknown mirror
2010/07/06 synyster-hacker H www.articlee.com Linux mirror
2010/07/05 synyster-hacker H ahomemortgageguide.com Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H www.bigblogmonkey.com Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H www.paleonation.com Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H www.buyyourartonline.com Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker www.computerrepairdirectory.co... Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H R www.vp-travel.org Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H www.articlehell.com Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H lungsdisease.com Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H www.articlefalls.com Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H onlineinformation.org Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H www.weddingarticle.net Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H M www.harryprince.com Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H articlemoney.net Linux mirror
2010/07/01 synyster-hacker H R www.topnichewords.info Linux mirror
1 2
DISCLAIMER: all the information contained in Zone-H's cybercrime archive were either collected online from public sources or directly notified anonymously to us. Zone-H is neither responsible for the reported computer crimes nor it is directly or indirectly involved with them. You might find some offensive contents in the mirrored defacements. Zone-H didn't produce them so we cannot be responsible for such contents. Read more